Hello Students,
Today you have a substitute and most of your classmates are at the jog-a-thon. Since you are not participating in the jog-a-thon, here is a list of activities for you to choose from until the jog-a-thon is over and everyone returns to class. You are not allowed to sit in class and do nothing, so please make sure you are keeping yourself busy. You may choose to do as many of the following activities as you have time for:
1.) Read one of the poetry books on the black cart at the back of the room.
2.) Read one of the Ancient Egypt books on the back wall of the room.
3.) Play the Pyramid Challenge Game on the BBC website.
4.) Play the Make a Mummy Game on the BBC website.
5.) Play the Death in Sakkara Game on the BBC website. This game is a mystery game that takes place in Egypt. You will have to use your knowledge of Egypt and clues you find in the game to solve the mystery. (Do not use an email address to save your game when you play.)
6.) Play any of the context clue games we have previously played in class.
7.) Write a poem or story.
8.) Make a podcast radio show for fun about a topic of your choice.
9.) Create a project in Comic Life or any other application.
If you have a question, you can reach me today by commenting on this post. I will check this website throughout the morning to answer your questions.
Have fun, and be respectful to the substitute.
See you next week,
Mrs. Pack
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Parent Conferences

Hello Students, Parents, and Guardians,
This week JWMS will be holding our Trimester 1 Parent Conferences for all students. The procedure for conferences at the middle school level is much different than elementary. You and your student are free to attend conferences at any time during the conference time frames on either Wednesday (today) or Thursday (tomorrow). Come to Room 208 and have a seat outside the classroom on the chairs provided until it is your turn to conference with myself and Ms. Plutschuck. We ask that you and your student wait outside in an attempt to provide privacy for all students and parents while conferencing.
I believe that attending conferences is an integral part of our communication, and I know that your student will benefit from your presence. The opportunity for parents and educators to be on the same page is one that should not be passed up.
Looking forward to seeing you at today or tomorrow,
Mrs. Pack
Conference Hours:
Wednesday from 12:00-3:00pm
Thursday from 12:00-3:00pm and again from 4:00-7:00pm
Agenda for the Week of October 19, 2009
24/7 Laptop Program
Language Arts Homework
Monday: Deliver your parent invitation to conferences.
Tuesday: Finish the Context Clues worksheet, page 32.
Wednesday: Context Clues worksheet.. Highlight the clues.
Thursday: None.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (No homework.)
24/7 Laptop Program
Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish half of your Mesopotamia brochure in Pages. (3 sections)
Tuesday: Finish your Mesopotamia brochure in Pages.
Wednesday: Brochure due TODAY! Review packet for Mesopotamia standards.
Thursday: None.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Language Arts Homework
Monday: Deliver your parent invitation to conferences.
Tuesday: Finish Context Clues worksheet page 32.
Wednesday: Context Clues worksheet.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish and color half of your brochure for Mesopotamia.
Tuesday: Finish your Mesopotamia brochure. Should be illustrated and colored.
Wednesday: Brochure due TODAY! Review packet for Mesopotamia standards.
Thursday: None.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Language Arts Homework
Monday: Deliver your parent invitation to conferences.
Tuesday: Finish the Context Clues worksheet, page 32.
Wednesday: Context Clues worksheet.. Highlight the clues.
Thursday: None.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (No homework.)
24/7 Laptop Program
Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish half of your Mesopotamia brochure in Pages. (3 sections)
Tuesday: Finish your Mesopotamia brochure in Pages.
Wednesday: Brochure due TODAY! Review packet for Mesopotamia standards.
Thursday: None.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Language Arts Homework
Monday: Deliver your parent invitation to conferences.
Tuesday: Finish Context Clues worksheet page 32.
Wednesday: Context Clues worksheet.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish and color half of your brochure for Mesopotamia.
Tuesday: Finish your Mesopotamia brochure. Should be illustrated and colored.
Wednesday: Brochure due TODAY! Review packet for Mesopotamia standards.
Thursday: None.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Online Practice With Context Clues
Hello Students,
Choose one of the links below to practice context clues on the Internet. Post your high scores as a comment on this post. Have fun!
Context Clues Practice Game: Quia - Context Clues
Context Clues/Words With Multiple Meanings: ToonUNIVERSITY Words in Context
Context Clues Quiz: English-Zone.com Context Clues
Choose one of the links below to practice context clues on the Internet. Post your high scores as a comment on this post. Have fun!
Context Clues Practice Game: Quia - Context Clues
Context Clues/Words With Multiple Meanings: ToonUNIVERSITY Words in Context
Context Clues Quiz: English-Zone.com Context Clues
Agenda for the Week of September 28 - October 2, 2009
24/7 Laptop Program
Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x each, finish Budget Vocabulary Matrix.
Tuesday: Spelling of your choice. Finish context clues file for "All-American Slurp" in Keynote.
Wednesday: Study for Spelling Test tomorrow. Complete page 19 and page 27 context clues practice. Highlight the clues.
Thursday: Spelling Test today! Finish story packet and questions - read carefully!
Friday: Complete any missing work and turn it in to me on Monday.
24/7 Laptop Program
Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish Comic Life vocabulary for Mesopotamia.
Tuesday: Use page 84 in the text to help you draw and color an ancient irrigation system.
Wednesday: None.
Thursday: City-state worksheet (2-sided). Color the square that holds your choice for a city-state location. Color the map.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling pyramids.
Tuesday: Spelling practice of your choice.
Wednesday: Study for Spelling Test tomorrow. Complete page 19 and page 27 context clues practice. Highlight the clues.
Thursday: Spelling Test today! Finish story packet and questions - read carefully!
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish and color vocabulary for Mesopotamia.
Tuesday: Use page 84 in the text to help you draw and color an ancient irrigation system.
Wednesday: None.
Thursday: City-State worksheet (2-sided). Color the square that holds your choice for a city-state location. Color the map.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x each, finish Budget Vocabulary Matrix.
Tuesday: Spelling of your choice. Finish context clues file for "All-American Slurp" in Keynote.
Wednesday: Study for Spelling Test tomorrow. Complete page 19 and page 27 context clues practice. Highlight the clues.
Thursday: Spelling Test today! Finish story packet and questions - read carefully!
Friday: Complete any missing work and turn it in to me on Monday.
24/7 Laptop Program
Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish Comic Life vocabulary for Mesopotamia.
Tuesday: Use page 84 in the text to help you draw and color an ancient irrigation system.
Wednesday: None.
Thursday: City-state worksheet (2-sided). Color the square that holds your choice for a city-state location. Color the map.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling pyramids.
Tuesday: Spelling practice of your choice.
Wednesday: Study for Spelling Test tomorrow. Complete page 19 and page 27 context clues practice. Highlight the clues.
Thursday: Spelling Test today! Finish story packet and questions - read carefully!
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish and color vocabulary for Mesopotamia.
Tuesday: Use page 84 in the text to help you draw and color an ancient irrigation system.
Wednesday: None.
Thursday: City-State worksheet (2-sided). Color the square that holds your choice for a city-state location. Color the map.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Agenda for the Week of September 21-25, 2009
24/7 Laptop Program
Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x Each, Simile/Metaphor Practice
Tuesday: Simile/Metaphor Practice pages 230 and 232.
Wednesday: Figurative Language Poster (Finish and color it.)
Thursday: Pronouns Practice Comic Book page.
Friday: Complete any missing work and turn it in to me on Monday.
24/7 Laptop Program
Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish and color your Agriculture vocabulary project.
Tuesday: Finish the first column (Geography and Maps) on your ball review game sheet.
Wednesday: Study 40 minutes for the geography and early man test tomorrow. Get a parent signature in your Agenda to prove that you studied.
Thursday: TEST TODAY! No homework.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x Each, Simile/Metaphor Practice
Tuesday: Simile/Metaphor Practice pages 230 and 232.
Wednesday: Figurative Language Poster (Finish and color it.)
Thursday: Pronouns Practice Comic Book page.
Friday: Complete any missing work and turn it in to me on Monday.
Regular Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish and color your Agriculture vocabulary project.
Tuesday: Finish the first column (Geography and Maps) on your ball review game sheet.
Wednesday: Study 40 minutes for the geography and early man test tomorrow. Get a parent signature in your Agenda to prove that you studied.
Thursday: TEST TODAY! No homework.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x Each, Simile/Metaphor Practice
Tuesday: Simile/Metaphor Practice pages 230 and 232.
Wednesday: Figurative Language Poster (Finish and color it.)
Thursday: Pronouns Practice Comic Book page.
Friday: Complete any missing work and turn it in to me on Monday.
24/7 Laptop Program
Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish and color your Agriculture vocabulary project.
Tuesday: Finish the first column (Geography and Maps) on your ball review game sheet.
Wednesday: Study 40 minutes for the geography and early man test tomorrow. Get a parent signature in your Agenda to prove that you studied.
Thursday: TEST TODAY! No homework.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x Each, Simile/Metaphor Practice
Tuesday: Simile/Metaphor Practice pages 230 and 232.
Wednesday: Figurative Language Poster (Finish and color it.)
Thursday: Pronouns Practice Comic Book page.
Friday: Complete any missing work and turn it in to me on Monday.
Regular Social Studies Homework
Monday: Finish and color your Agriculture vocabulary project.
Tuesday: Finish the first column (Geography and Maps) on your ball review game sheet.
Wednesday: Study 40 minutes for the geography and early man test tomorrow. Get a parent signature in your Agenda to prove that you studied.
Thursday: TEST TODAY! No homework.
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
For 5th Period Technology Class Today...
Follow the directions below. Go to the comments section and copy/paste the format of the first comment you find there into your own comment box. Answer the questions in complete sentences with correct spelling, grammar, and capitalization. Post your comment using your first name and last initial. Due at the end of the period.
Go to The White House Website. What domain name does this website have? What type of information is located on this website? Do you think the information on this website is true and reliable?
Go to UCLA Website. What domain name does this website have? What type of information is located on this website? Do you think the information on this website is true and reliable?
Go to Habitat For Humanity Website. What domain name does this website have? What type of information is located on this website? Do you think the information on this website is true and reliable?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
For Social Studies Today...
Go to the Early Man Tool Kit to learn about hunter-gatherer tool development.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Agenda for the Week of 9/14 - 9/18
24/7 Laptop Program
Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x Each, Worksheet pg. 223
Tuesday: Insurance Due Today, Spelling Review, Worksheet pg. 284
Thursday: Character bubble map, study for spelling test
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x Each, Worksheet pg. 223
Tuesday: Insurance Due Today, Spelling Review, Worksheet pg. 284
Thursday: Character bubble map, study for spelling test
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
24/7 Laptop Program
Social Studies Homework
Monday: Lesson Review pg. 19
Tuesday: Budget Vocabulary (Colored)
Thursday: Finish and color Tool Activity
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Language Arts Homework
Monday: Spelling 3x Each, Worksheet pg. 223
Tuesday: Spelling Review, Worksheet pg. 284
Thursday: Character bubble map, study for spelling test
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Regular Social Studies Homework
Monday: Lesson Review pg. 19
Tuesday: Budget Vocabulary (Colored)
Thursday: Finish and color Tool Activity
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Tuesday: Budget Vocabulary (Colored)
Thursday: Finish and color Tool Activity
Friday: Have a great weekend! (NO HOMEWORK)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
For Social Studies Today...
Good Morning, Students!
Today you will need this link for Social Studies: Lascaux Caves
When you are done exploring, come back to the Blog and answer this question: Why do you think cave art was important to early man?
Today you will need this link for Social Studies: Lascaux Caves
When you are done exploring, come back to the Blog and answer this question: Why do you think cave art was important to early man?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Welcome Students and Parents/Guardians!
Today your student received a Parent Letter in class. I have instructed them to read over the letter with you, discuss its content, and then bring the second page back tomorrow with your signature and other requested information. The following is an excerpt from the front page of the letter:
Welcome back to school! I am enthusiastically looking forward to a great year with your student and can’t wait to get started. Now in my fifth year as a part of James Workman’s staff, I am so happy to be your student’s 6th grade teacher. It is my sincere belief that he or she will be able to achieve academic success.
In order to ensure that we meet the needs of your student, our efforts should be coordinated and communication is key. Throughout the year, I will send home newsletters and send out emails with important class information and news. Also, please take advantage of my Blog and Zangle Parent Connect to keep track of homework assignments and grades. Middle school can be a challenging time of transition for many students, and your support at home is valuable to your child.
See you September 16, 2009 at Back to School Night!
Please definitely put Back to School Night on your calendars and plan to attend if at all possible. Until then, please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. I will be delighted to hear from you!
Have a wonderful first week of school,
Mrs. Pack
Welcome back to school! I am enthusiastically looking forward to a great year with your student and can’t wait to get started. Now in my fifth year as a part of James Workman’s staff, I am so happy to be your student’s 6th grade teacher. It is my sincere belief that he or she will be able to achieve academic success.
In order to ensure that we meet the needs of your student, our efforts should be coordinated and communication is key. Throughout the year, I will send home newsletters and send out emails with important class information and news. Also, please take advantage of my Blog and Zangle Parent Connect to keep track of homework assignments and grades. Middle school can be a challenging time of transition for many students, and your support at home is valuable to your child.
See you September 16, 2009 at Back to School Night!
Please definitely put Back to School Night on your calendars and plan to attend if at all possible. Until then, please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. I will be delighted to hear from you!
Have a wonderful first week of school,
Mrs. Pack
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Review Questions on Christianity, Standard 6.7.6
Answer each of the following questions about yesterday's lesson...
Question #1: What great empire ruled over Judea in the time of Jesus?
Question #2: How do we know about Jesus' life and about his teachings?
Question #3: What is "resurrection"? What did stories of Jesus' resurrection prove to his followers?
Question #1: What great empire ruled over Judea in the time of Jesus?
Question #2: How do we know about Jesus' life and about his teachings?
Question #3: What is "resurrection"? What did stories of Jesus' resurrection prove to his followers?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Fun Little Movie-Making Website
Please do not abuse the privilege of being able to use this website in your spare time. You must have all classwork, homework, and projects completed before it is acceptable to spend time playing with this website. Make wise decisions on how to use your time. I do not recommend that you register for a username on this website. The decision to register is one that is between you and your parents. You can still have fun and make movies on this website without registering.
Here is the link: XtraNormal.com
Have fun! Remember, you can screen capture the movies on your Dashboard. :)
Please do not abuse the privilege of being able to use this website in your spare time. You must have all classwork, homework, and projects completed before it is acceptable to spend time playing with this website. Make wise decisions on how to use your time. I do not recommend that you register for a username on this website. The decision to register is one that is between you and your parents. You can still have fun and make movies on this website without registering.
Here is the link: XtraNormal.com
Have fun! Remember, you can screen capture the movies on your Dashboard. :)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Post About Applications (6th grade ELA)
1.) Find an online application. Post the link to the application, the similarities, and the differences on the Blog.
2.) Write several sentences about what is the same about this application compared to the others we did for homework last night.
3.) Write several sentences about what is different about this application compared to the other we did for homework last night.
2.) Write several sentences about what is the same about this application compared to the others we did for homework last night.
3.) Write several sentences about what is different about this application compared to the other we did for homework last night.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
7th Grade S.S. - Post on the Blog - Beginning of Renaissance
Agenda for the Week of March 9-13, 2009

Hello, Students and Parents,
Here is your newly updated Agenda for this week's classes. Please read carefully to make sure you are reading the homework for your grade level. Feel free to email me with any questions on homework. TBA means To Be Announced (in class).
ELA - Budget Vocabulary for "Greyling."
SS - Finish flash cards for Greece and study for 30 minutes. Get a parent to sign your Agenda.
ELA - "Greyling" reading companion.
SS - Map of Rome
ELA - "Greyling" reading companion.
SS - Map of Rome
ELA - None.
SS - None.
ELA - "Signs" reading companion.
SS - None.
ELA - "After Twenty Years" reading companion.
SS - New Ways of Thinking organizer.
ELA - Give evidence on the Bubble Map for each description of the suspicious man from "After Twenty Years."
SS - New Ways of Thinking organizer.
SS - Review worksheet for Chapter 13, Lesson One
ELA - None.
SS - None.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
7th Grade Writing CST Study Group
Students and Parents,
Please remember that the 7th grade Writing portion of the CST will be held on March 3rd, during 2nd period. Students are strongly encouraged to attend a study session after school on March 2nd, from 2:00-3:30pm. This session will be used to review writing strategies, forms of writing students could be asked to produce, and cover any last minute questions. Please arrange alternate transportation for your student if they attend. Again, I strongly recommend your student's presence at the Study Group. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Thank you,
-Mrs. Pack
Please remember that the 7th grade Writing portion of the CST will be held on March 3rd, during 2nd period. Students are strongly encouraged to attend a study session after school on March 2nd, from 2:00-3:30pm. This session will be used to review writing strategies, forms of writing students could be asked to produce, and cover any last minute questions. Please arrange alternate transportation for your student if they attend. Again, I strongly recommend your student's presence at the Study Group. Please feel free to email me with any questions.
Thank you,
-Mrs. Pack
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Agenda for the Week of February 23-27, 2009

Hello, Students and Parents,
Here is your newly updated Agenda for this week's classes. Please read carefully to make sure you are reading the homework for your grade level. Feel free to email me with any questions on homework. TBA means To Be Announced (in class).
ELA - Finish the plot diagram. Complete a 8 question context clues practice paper.
SS - Pericles MyPlace Profile using iWeb. Do half of the assignment tonight.
ELA - Point of View Word document with a portion of "Coraline."
SS - Pericles MyPlace Profile using iWeb.
ELA - Write a well-organized paragraph with a topic sentence and at least one supporting detail from each branch on your Tree Map from class. Add a concluding sentence at the end of your paragraph. Email me with questions.
SS - Pericles MyPlace Profile using iWeb, if not finished. This assignment was due today.
ELA - CST Practice questions.
ELA - Famous Person Project for Technology, if you have somehow not finished it in class.
SS - None
ELA - Two-sided plot worksheet.
SS - Budget Vocabulary Matrix (6 words)
ELA - Review worksheet on persuasive writing (organization).
SS - The Reconquista handout (one side of reading and a map, one side of questions).
ELA - Review worksheet on narrative writing.
SS - Finish The Reconquista handout if necessary.
ELA - Review worksheet on using quotation marks (for dialogue or quotes from text).
SS - Begin making your Feudal Europe Board Game project. This will be DUE on Monday before we take the test. Check off each step on your assignment sheet as you complete it.
ELA - REMINDER: Study group next Monday from 2:00-3:30pm.
SS - Finish making your Feudal Europe Board Game project over the weekend. This will be DUE on Monday before we take the test. Check off each step on your assignment sheet as you complete it.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Agenda for the Week of February 16-20, 2009

Hello, Students and Parents,
Here is your newly updated Agenda for this week's classes. Please read carefully to make sure you are reading the homework for your grade level. Feel free to email me with any questions on homework. TBA means To Be Announced (in class).
ELA - CST Practice "Water Picture"
SS - Sparta/Athens rap. Bring Conferences slip back tomorrow.
ELA - "Lob's Girl" story and questions on pages 99-100
SS - Sparta/Athens rap. Bring Conferences slip if not already turned in.
ELA - "Lob's Girl" story and questions on pages 101-103
SS - None.
ELA - Any missing Technology projects should be finished and turned in Monday! Please catch up on your work.
SS - None
ELA - None.
SS - None.
ELA - "Rikki-tikki-tavi" reading companion (up to page 136)
SS - None.
ELA - Finish the "Rikki-tikki-tavi" reading companion
SS - None.
ELA - Finish the "Rikki-tikki-tavi" reading companion
SS - None.
Friday, January 30, 2009
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