This is a friendly reminder that you are not to begin taking pictures or filming your iMovie yet. You are still working on the most important stage of your iMovie process, which is brainstorming and writing a general timeline for what you plan to show in your video. It is very important that you do not begin putting your movie together until you have had a Tree Map timeline approved by Mrs. Pack or Ms. Plutschuck.
Following approval, you will be able to write your script. Only after your script has been approved will you be able to begin filming or collecting images. Please stay focused and follow these directions to ensure that you iMovie is a quality production and worthy of being entered in the Middle School Film Festival.
See this website for contest rules, prizes, and other information.
Click on the images below to enlarge them and see my example Tree Map for my example iMovie.
Thank you,
Mrs. Pack

Mrs. Pack I know that Aaron, Anthony, and I have to work hard but we won't dissapoint you and how do you spell dissapiont.
Mrs.Pack im so excited to been in the film festivel
ooo and the message was 4rm:Jackie C ^ the top one!!
This is so cool that we get to do a movie Mrs. Pack :]
Thanks for letting us make a movie but i am still having trouble with i move
Hey Mrs. Pack I love the fact that you let us do this movie but i just have one question though what are you to do after you write the script?
Please email me back...
Ps, Feel better!!!
Dear Mrs. Pack
I finished my movie tree map do i start writng the scrip?
P.s Please write back and i hope you liked the card i sent you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fell better :]
Mrs. Pack when are we switching seat's??????? :-/
Mrs. Pack when are we switching seat's??????? :-/
We miss you We miss you We miss you We miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Oh Oh so i take the tree map to ms. Plutschuck for her to up prove it?????!!!!!!
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