Choose a poem from the booklet, read it, complete the Semantic Features Map and then post the following:
1.) Name of poem:
2.) Literary Devices:
3.) Most important Literary Device:
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?
5.) What is the tone of this poem?
6.) Why?
7.) What is this poem about?
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1.) Name of poem: The Rose Family
2.) Literary Devices: Metaphor
3.) Most important Literary Device: Metaphor
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?It helps because it's is telling you that he thinks she is as beautiful as a rose.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Romantic
6.) Why? It's romantic because he is telling her that she is as beautiful as a rose.
7.) What is this poem about? This poem is about how a man is telling a woman that she is as beautiful as a rose, and she always has been.
1.) Name of poem: Chicago Poet
2.) Literary Devices: Word Choice, Punctuation, Repetition.
3.) Most important Literary Device: Punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It helps you read it because if there was no Punctuation there you wouldn't understand the poem.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Frusterated
6.) Why? Because the bot said tyhat he was mad to go down in the dark and scary stairway.
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about a little boy that is really scared to go down in a really dark and deep staircase.
1.) Name of poem:The Owl and the Pussycat
2.) Literary Devices:Word choice,figurative language,punctuation,rhyme,repetition
3.) Most important Literary Device:punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?Well it helps because if you didn't know when to pause or be excited you would be lost in the poem.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Romantic
6.) Why?Well it shows how much the owl loves the pussycat
7.) What is this poem about?This poem is about an owl and a pussycat who are in love and they get married.
1.) Name of poem:Teevee
2.) Literary Devices:Punctuation,Rhythm and Rhyme
3.) Most important Literary Device:Punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?It tells you when to stop and pause to understand the story better
5.) What is the tone of this poem?Mysterious
6.) Why?Because it has the pause sound and soft voice.
7.) What is this poem about?It about these tv show that two person like.One day these gut shows up and the person whows watching it has the same name as the person on tv.
1.) Name of poem: Awful Ogre's Breakfast
2.) Literary Devices: Word choice, Line Length, Punctuation, rhythm, rhyme
3.) Most important Literary Device: Word choice and punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? Word choice because it helps understand the reader and punctuation because it helps the reader how to read it.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? The tone is disgusting.
6.) Why? The Ogre makes an awful breakfast.
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about an an Ogre that make s a disgusting breakfast.
1.) Name of poem: Fog
2.) Literary Devices: Word choice and punctuation.
3.) Most important Literary Device: Punctuation.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It helps you know how to read it.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Informational.
6.) Why? Because the poet is telling you about fog.
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is telling you about fog and what it does.
1.) Name of poem: The Rose Family
2.) Literary Devices: Word Choice, Figurative Language, Punctuation, Rhythm, and Rhyme.
3.) Most important Literary Device: I think the most important literary device is figurative language.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It does this because none of the things he says are roses, but he is saying that they are beautiful
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Romantic.
6.) Why? It is romantic because when it says you, too are a rose at the end it is saying that you are beautiful.
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about how everything and everybody is beautiful.
1.) Name of poem:Chicago poet
2.) Literary Devices:Word choice,and Punctuation.
3.) Most important Literary Device:Word choice.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?The line length helps communicate.
5.) What is the tone of this poem?Serious.
6.) Why? The reason it is serious is because it is talking about a person talking to another person and they are having a serious conversation.
7.) What is this poem about?The poem is about the person pretending he knows this man in Chicago and he looks serious.
1.) Name of poem: Teevee
2.) Literary Devices: punctuation,rhythm, and rhyme
3.) Most important Literary Device: punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It helps the poet tell us how to read the poem
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Humorous
6.) Why? it says that they forgot that they were maried
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about a couple who wacth TV so much that they forget that they are maried
1.) Name of poem:The Owl and the Pussy-cat
2.) Literary Devices: word choice, figurative language, punctuation, rhyme,and repetition
3.) Most important Literary Device: punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It helps the poet by understanding the poem.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? the tone is silly and romantic
6.) Why? It is silly and romantic because of the owl's singing and where they were.
7.) What is this poem about? This poem is about two animals being a couple and then they get married.
1.) Name of poem: Teevee
2.) Literary Devices: Punctuation, rhythm, rhyme.
3.) Most important Literary Device: Punctuation.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? The poet used a lot of periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation marks.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? To tell us that a couple were watching TV and they didn't talk until it was off.
6.) Why? They much love TV that they couldn't stop watching kind of like "Jimmy Jet and His TV Set."
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about a couple who starts watching TV and doesn't stop.
1.) Name of poem: Fog
2.) Literary Devices: Word choice and Punctuation.
3.) Most important Literary Device: Puncuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It helps you by stopping a sentence to read the poem correctly.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Informational
6.) Why? It tells you about what happens when its foggy.
7.) What is this poem about? It's about what the fog does when it comes.
1.) Name of poem: Teevee
2.) Literary Devices:punctuation rhythm rhyme
3.) Most important Literary Device: Punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? Punctuation is the most important literary device because it shows how they are saying there words and how they are speaking.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? It is a silly poem.
6.) Why? It is a silly poem because it is how two people can't remember each other from watching TV and thats why I think it is silly.
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about to people who are married and all they do is watch TV and they don't even remember each other when there TV breaks and then once they fix it they still don't know and it i a really funny poem.
1.) Name of poem:Teevee
2.) Literary Devices:punctuation, Rhythm and rhyme.
3.) Most important Literary Device:Punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?It talks about how t.v. effected their lives and punctuation helps tell about it.
5.) What is the tone of this poem?Silly
6.) Why?Because the people watch so much t.v. that they don't know whats happening around them.
7.) What is this poem about?It is about a married couple that watches too much t.v. and doesn't know each other while watching it.
1.) Name of poem: The poem is called The Rose Family
2.) Literary Devices:The poem has word choice,punctuation, and rhythm
3.) Most important Literary Device: The most important one is punctuation.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? Punctuation helps you understand the story. It lets you know if your reading a sad, happy, or a mad poem
5.) What is the tone of this poem? The tone of this poem serious.
6.) Why? This is because the poem is not using any explamation points or questions marks.
7.) What is this poem about? This poem talks about a rose.
1.) Name of poem: Teevee
2.) Literary Devices: Word choice, Punctuation, Rhythm , Rhyme.
3.) Most important Literary Device: Punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? By telling us how to read the poem and when to stop reading.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? The tone of the poem is silly.
6.) Why? Because people can not get married and watch t.v and not know each other or their name.
7.) What is this poem about? The pome is about two persons that get married and watch T.V almost every day not stopping and the T.V broke and they don't know each other and their names are the same.
1.) Name of poem: Awful Ogre's Breakfast
2.) Literary Devices: It uses only 3 good Literary Devices. It uses word choice, figurative language, rhythm.
3.) Most important Literary Device: Figurative language.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It is letting you know what he ate for breakfast like unusual foods.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Him eating Breakfast.
6.) Why? Because he is eating weird stuff like us.
7.) What is this poem about? it is about the Ogre eating his food and telling he likes to eat weird food.
1.) Name of poem:the owl and the Pussy-Cat
2.) Literary Devices:Word choice, figurative language, punctuation, rhythm, rhyme, and repetition.
3.) Most important Literary Device:The most important literary device is punctuation.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It helps communicate because it tells you how to read the poem the author wrote it.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? The tone of the poem was silly.
6.) Why? It was silly because the pussy cat is marring the owl in the story.
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about a cat and an owl on a boat going some were alone. That the owl sang a song to the cat and the owl wanted to get marred to the cat on the island were the bome tree grows.
1.) Name of poem:What Is Pink
2.) Literary Devices:It has: Word choice,Figurative Lang,punctuation,rhythm,rhyme,and repetition
3.) Most important Literary Device:Line Length
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?It helps the poet understand the it.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Silly
6.) Why? In the beginning it says what is pink a rose is pink By a fountains brink.
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about colors.
1.) Name of poem: Teevee
2.) Literary Devices: Word Choice, Punctuation, Rhythm, and Rhyme
3.) Most important Literary Device: I think punctuation.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It is telling you that there is dialog and when to pause and stop.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Funny
6.) Why? A married couple just meeting.
7.) What is this poem about? The poem is about a married couple who liked to watch t.v and never paying attention to each other. Then they finally notice each other but then they go back to the way they were.
1.) Name of poem:Chicago poet
2.) Literary Devices:Their was no literary devices.
3.) Most important Literary Device:none.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?well if the poem had literary devices it would of been better.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? the tone sounds dull because it only talks in one type of tone.
6.) Why?Because it only talks normal not mad,angry,sad or any of those
7.) What is this poem about?It seems to me he is talking to a drawing and is acting like a imaginary friend.
1.) Name of poem:Teevee
2.) Literary Devices:Punctuation, rhythm and rhyme
3.) Most important Literary Device:Punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It helps me by knowing how they fell.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? It is a happy tone
6.) Why? Because the people from the poet are just watching Tv.
7.) What is this poem about? Its about two people that don't even remember that they are married because they had watched to much television.
1.) Name of poem: The Owl and the Pussy-cat
2.) Literary Devices: Word Choice, Fig. Lang., rhyme, rhythm, punctuation, and repetition
3.) Most important Literary Device: punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?It tells them when to stop, pause, or keep going.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Humorous and romantic
6.) Why?It is humorous because the two animal get married. That is why it is also romantic.
7.) What is this poem about? This poem is about an owl and a pussy-cat who fall in love and then get married.
1.) Name of poem:The Rose Family
2.) Literary Devices:Word choice, punctuation, and rhythm.
3.) Most important Literary Device:Punctuation and rhythm.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning/: The punctuation helps you understand it and the rhythm helps you read it.
5.) What is the tone of this poem?: the tone is that the poem is silly
6.) Why?: Because a rose can't be a apple.
7.) What is this poem about?: The poem is telling you that a roes will always be a roes.
1.) Name of poem: (Chicago Poet)
2.) Literary Devices: (Word Choice, Punctuation, Repetition.)
3.) Most important Literary Device:(Punctuation)
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?( It helps because it tells us when to stop.)
5.) What is the tone of this poem? (Frustrated )
6.) Why? Because it says that "he locks his elbow in mine, i lose all-but him.
7.) What is this poem about? A man thats is a fool and a liar.
1.) Name of poem: The Owl and the Pussy-cat
2.) Literary Devices: Word Choice, Fig. Lang., rhyme, rhythm, punctuation, and repetition
3.) Most important Literary Device: punctuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?It tells them when to stop, pause, or keep going.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Humorous and romantic
6.) Why?It is humorous because the two animal get married. That is why it is also romantic.
7.) What is this poem about? This poem is about an owl and a pussy-cat who fall in love and then get married.
1.) Name of poem: Awful Ogre's Breakfast.
2.) Literary Devices: word choice, figurative language, rhythm, and rhyme.
3.) Most important Literary Device: I think word choice was most important because it helps you under stand more of the story and you know what the poet wants to tell you.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?
5.) What is the tone of this poem? It is kind of silly and kind of serious.
6.) Why? The ogre is eat in legs but the soup is screaming because it has lips in it.
7.) What is this poem about? It is about a ogre that is eating body parts like legs and lips.
1.) Name of poem: Chicago Post
2.) Literary Devices: Word Choice
3.) Most important Literary Device: Word Choice
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? It helps by giving the reader the knowledge how to understand the meaning of this poemn
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Serious
6.) Why? IT is about caring
7.) What is this poem about? Its is about some one caring for you
1.) Name of poem: The Vulture
2.) Literary Devices: Word Choice
3.) Most important Literary Device:Word Choice,Figurative Language,Repetition.
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? Word Choice
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Funny
6.) Why? Because it says his head is bald.
7.) What is this poem about? A vulture eating his meal.
1.) Name of poem:The Owl and the Pussycat
2.) Literary Devices:Rhyme, Word choice, Figurative language , Punctuation, and Repetition.
3.) Most important Literary Device:Puntuation
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning? The literary devices help you understand of what the story is about.
5.) What is the tone of this poem? Romantic
6.) Why? It Shows that the Pussycat loves the Owl
7.) What is this poem about? The Pussycat and the Owl
are happy and get married.
1.) Name of poem:Awful Ogre's Breakfast.
2.) Literary Devices:Word choice,figurative language,rhyme.
3.) Most important Literary Device:Figurative language
4.) How does the most important Literary Device help the poet communicate meaning?I think figurative language because I thought he was faking it when he said scrambled legs and picked feet.
5.) What is the tone of this poem?Its kind of silly.
6.) Why?Because he was eating things that we don't usually eat.
7.) What is this poem about?It's about a sick Ogre that eats sick things.
Crystal period 2 Mrs.Pack
1.) NAME OF POEM: TeeVee
2.) LITERARY DEVICES:word choice, punctuation, rhythm,and rhyme
6.) WHY?Because they do not talk at all because they watch to much t.v and they are married and they don't know it
7.) WHAT IS THIS POEM ABOUT?A man and a woman married that watch t.v to much
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